Saturday, December 10, 2005

CV English Laurentiu Radvan

First name: LAURENŢIU
Family name: RĂDVAN
Date and place of birth: 1975, Brăila, Romania
Nationality: Romanian
Marital status: married

Office Address: Facultatea de Istorie, Universitatea “Al. I. Cuza”, Bulevardul Carol 11, IAŞI 700506


On March 29, 2013, I have publicly defended my habilitation paper, Urban world in the Romanian area: from the late medieval emergence to the transition to modernity, and earned the habilitation title and the right to conduct doctoral papers in the field of “History and cultural studies”.
On November 22nd, 2003, University „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Iaşi, I have publicly defended my PhD thesis, Towns in Wallachia Until the End of the 16th Century, and earned the degree of Doctor of Humanities, in the field of History (thesis was assessed as very good and received the honor of Magna cum laude)
1997-1998 – MA at the Faculty of History, „Al. I. Cuza” University of Iaşi, specializing in "Historical resources"; dissertation paper: Town-Seats of Princes in Wallachia
1993-1997 – BA in History at the Faculty of History, „Al. I. Cuza” University of Iaşi, specializing in "Medieval History”; BA thesis: Wallachian Towns. General Aspects; head of the class.

Professional background:

2020-present: Vicedean, Faculty of History
2012-2020: Director of the Department of History, part of the Faculty of History

2013 – Professor at the Faculty of History of the University „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Iaşi; currently holding the following courses: Medieval Europe; Urban structures and institutions in the Middle Ages; also Master courses.
2009-2013 – Associate Professor at the Faculty of History of the University „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Iaşi; held courses on medieval Europe, medieval and pre-modern urban structures and institutions.
2005-2009 – PhD Lecturer (Assistant Professor) at the Faculty of History of the University „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Iaşi; held courses and seminars of Medieval Europe; Urban structures in the Middle Ages in the Romanian Principalities.
1997-2004 – teaching assistant at the Faculty of History of the University „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Iaşi; held seminars of Western Medieval History, Cyrillic Paleography, Slavic Paleography and Old Slavonic Language.
Activity and skills; membership in professional associations
My main field of interest is urban history. Up to now, I have published three works, six volume of studies and over 65 articles on this subject, with other studies due for publication. On December 19, 2006, the paper Oraşele din Ţara Românească până la sfârşitul secolului al XVI-lea [Towns in Wallachia Until the End of the 16th century] received the Romanian Academy Award (for 2004).
I was involved in three research grants focusing or focused on the history of medieval towns. I also take interest in editing historical sources and the study of paleography and historical cartography.
Ever since 1998, I have been a member of the Commission for the History of Towns in Romania of the Romanian Academy. Since 2008, I represent Romania in The International Commission for the History of Towns. Since 2006, I have been the Romanian collaborator for the International Medieval Bibliography (IMB) project (coordinated by Institute for Medieval Studies, University of Leeds, UK).

Conference papers

International conferences


1.                  Romanian Principality town plans found in the Moscow archives. Contributions to research into urban history and heritage, at the international conference Maps as original sources. Town plans and their impact on the knowledge of the urban past, Iași, 5 May 2022.

2.                  From the medieval principality to the modern state. The impact of change on towns in the Romanian area (1711-1833), conference dedicated to Protagonists of Urban Order from the Antiquity to the Present, organized by International Commission for the History of Towns, Split, Croatia, 20-22 September 2021.

3.                  Residential Towns of Romanian Princes; conference dedicated to the subject: Town types in European comparison, organized by the International Commission for the History of Towns, Krakow, Poland, September 2017.

4.                  Urban conflicts in the Romanian principalities (16th-17th centuries); roundtable Political and social changes in European urban space, Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz, Germania, Nov. 2016.

5.                  Between Byzantium, the Mongol Empire, Genoa and Moldavia: trade centers in the North-Western Black Sea area; International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, USA, May 2016.

6.                  A social group yet unknown: the urban patriciate in medieval Wallachia, at the European Social Science History  (ESSHC), Valencia, Spain, April 2016.

7.                  Space distribution in late medieval and pre-modern towns in the Romanian Principalities, at the 22nd International Congress of Historical Sciences, Jinan-China, August 2015.

8.                  Romanian experience on historical town atlases. The case of Brăila (together with Dan Dumitru Iacob), at scientific meeting Historical Town Atlas in the spatial planning and promotion of the cities, Wroclaw, Polonia, June 17-18, 2014.

9.                  Urban identities in the late Middle Ages: the particular case of the Romanian Principalities; International Congress on Medieval Studies, Kalamazoo, USA, May 2013.

10.              German Law and Medieval Towns in the Romanian Principalities: A Dilemma; International Medieval Congress, Leeds, United Kingdom (main theme was “Rules to Follow”), July 2012.

11.              At Europe's borders: how travelers viewed towns in the Romanian Principalities (14th-16th centuries); scientific meeting on “Perceptions et réalités urbaines: les villes d’Europe méditerranéenne à travers les récits de voyageurs XIVe-XVIe s.”, Strasbourg, January 2012.

12.              The Emergence of the Medieval Towns in the Romanian Principalities and Romanian Historiography of the Twentieth Century: Case Studies; conference on Recent Studies on Past and Present: New Sources, New Methods or a New Public?, organized by the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, September 2011.

13.              Urban space in the Romanian Principalities of the Middle Ages: organized or random development? Views in Romanian historiography; conference dedicated to Towns and spaces, Sibiu, September 2011.

14.              Town streets in the Romanian Principalities. The long road from wood to stone (17th – 19th centuries), at the 21st International Congress of Historical Sciences, Amsterdam, August 2010.

15.              A winding road: urban autonomy in the Romanian Principalities between the 14th and the 18th century; conference dedicated to Urban Liberties and Citizenship from Middle Ages up to now and organized by the International Commission for the History of Towns; Luxembourg, September 2009.

16.              Urban planning in major Wallachian and Moldavian towns between 1300 and 1600; International Medieval Congress, Leeds, United Kingdom (main theme was Medieval Cities), July 2007.

17.              Between free passage and restriction. Roads and bridges in the towns of Wallachia and Moldavia (16th-18th century); conference dedicated to Communication in Towns, organized by the International Commission for the History of Towns, Zagreb, Croatia, September 2006.

18.              Privileges and urban autonomy in Wallachia until the 16th century; conference dedicated to the subject of The Town and Its Privileges, Cluj, November 2005.

Lectures and seminars at the University of Vienna (mai 2012) and at the Institute of History of Sofia (noiembrie 2015). 


National conferences (selection)


1.                  Cartographic consequences of the occupations of the Romanian Principalities in the 18th century - first half of the 19th century: city plans, at the international conference: „Borders and Communities in Central and South-Eastern Europe”, Timișoara, March 16, 2021 (with Mihai Anatolii Ciobanu, online).

2.                  Istoria locală – potențial de cercetare. Studiu de caz: istoria urbană [Local history - research potential. Case study: urban history], at the National session of papers of the History teachers:Istorii ale locurilor. Istorii ale oamenilor”, Facultatea de Istorie, Iași, May 15, 2021 (online).

3.                  Urban history research in Romania in the last 30 years: sources, topics, methods, limits, at the international workshop “New Topics, Sources and Methods in the Historical Research: Reflections and Perspectives”, Alba Iulia, June 5, 2021 (online).

4.                  Meșteșugari și orașe în Țările Române. Aspecte topografice [Craftsmen and towns in the Romanian Principalities. Topographic aspects], at the conference: Orașul – centru meșteșugăresc și industrial, organized by Comisia de Istorie a Orașelor, Sibiu, July 1, 2021 (online).

5.                  Noi planuri rusești privitoare la orașul București și împrejurimile sale (1828, 1830, 1849–1850) [New Russian plans regarding the city of Bucharest and its surroundings (1828, 1830, 1849–1850)], at a webinar organised by National Museum of Old Maps and Books, București, June 30, 2021 (with Mihai Anatolii Ciobanu and Toader Popescu, online).

6.                  Un plan necunoscut al orașului Târgoviște din 1831 [An unknown plan of the town of Târgoviște from 1831], at “Zilele Universității”, Universitatea "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" din Iași, October 29, 2021 (online).

7.                  Considerații finale cu privire la cel mai vechi plan al Iașilor (1739) [Final considerations regarding the oldest plan of Iași (1739)], at “Zilele Universității”, Universitatea "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" din Iași, October 23, 2020 – online (with Mihai Anatolii Ciobanu).

8.                  Noi contribuții cartografice la istoria curții si palatului domnesc din Iași [New cartographic contributions to the history of the princely court and palace in Iași], at the national conference „Monumentul”, Muzeul Municipal Iași (October 8-9, 2020).

9.                  1807, un an și trei planuri pentru Iași: al orașului, al curții și palatului domnesc [1807, a year and three plans for Iași: of the city, of the court and of the princely palace], at the Laboratory of Urban History, Iași (January 21, 2020, with Mihai Anatolii Ciobanu).

10.              Evreii din Ștefănești și un incident din anul 1832 [The Jews from Ștefănești and an incident from 1832], at “Zilele Universității”, Universitatea "Alexandru Ioan Cuza" din Iași (October 25, 2019).

11.              O descoperire de excepție: originalul planului Iașilor din 1739 [An exceptional discovery: the original of the Iași plan from 1739], at the national conference „Monumentul”, Muzeul Municipal Iași (October 3-4, 2019, with Mihai Anatolii Ciobanu).

12.              Cum arăta curtea domnească din Iași? Informații inedite din surse cartografice [How did the princely residence in Iasi look like? New information from cartographic sources], at the Laboratory of Urban History, Iași (May 28, 2019, with Mihai Anatolii Ciobanu).

13.              Enslaved Gypsies and Free Gypsies: the case of Barbu Lăutarul, at the conference dedicated to Urban Communities and Urban Transformation in the Romanian Principalities, NEC, Bucharest (April 2019).

14.              Din consecințele Regulamentului Organic: înființarea Eforiei orașului Iași [From the consequences of the Organic Statute: the beginning of the Ephoria of Iași], at Congresul Național al Istoricilor Români, Universitatea ”Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, Iași (August 29 -September 1, 2018).

15.              Uliță, ulicioară, hudiță. O tipologie a străzilor din orașele țărilor române la sfârșitul evului mediu și începutul epocii moderne [Uliță, ulicioară, hudiță. A typology of the streets in the Romanian Principalities towns at the end of the middle ages and the beginning of the modern time], at the conference dedicate to Transport and communications in towns, organised by the Commission for the History of Towns in Romania and Museum of Brăila, Brăila (May 2018).

16.              Cu privire la aprovizionarea cu apă a orașului Iași (sec. XVII-XVIII) [On the water supply system in Iași, 17th-18th centuries], Muzeul Unirii Iași (September 2017).

17.              Contribuții cu privire la moșia orașului Iași [Contributions to the history of the domain of Iași], conference celebrating Dies Academici, University „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Iaşi (October 2016).

18.              „Arestuitele țigănci” de la Iași și implicațiile unui furt la drumul mare din 1830 [The „arrested female Gypsies” of Iaşi and the implications of an 1830 highway robbery], conference celebrating Dies Academici, University „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Iaşi (October 2015).

19.              Administrație și justiție în orașele din Moldova medievală [Administration and justice in towns in medieval Moldavia], at the national conference dedicated to Towns and administration, organized by the Commission for the History of Towns in Romania and Muzeum Satu Mare, Satu Mare (September 2015).

20.              Câte Târgușoare Nicolina au existat lângă Iași? [How many Targușoare Nicolina were near Iasi], conference celebrating Dies Academici, University „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Iaşi (October 2014).

21.              Între sat și oraș: Târgușorul Nicolina de lângă Iași [Between village and town: Târgușorul Nicolina, near Iași], at the national conference dedicated to Relation between villages and towns, organized by the Commission for the History of Towns in Romania and Muzeum Astra, Sibiu (June 2014).

22.              Cu privire la străinii stabiliți în Iași în secolele XVII-XVIII [Regarding the foreigners from Iasi, 17th-18th centuries]; conference celebrating 152 years of existence of the University „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Iaşi (October 2012).

23.              Consideraţii cu privire la practi­cile cămătarilor străini din oraşele Moldovei (secolele XVII-XVIII) [Considerations on the practices of foreign usurers în the Moldavian towns (17th - 18th century)], conference dedicated to the subject of “Everyday urban life”, Muzeul Brăilei, Brăila (May 2011).

24.              Formarea oraşelor medievale. Percepţii în istoriografia românească [The emergence of medieval towns. Perceptions in Romanian historiography], conference dedicated to the subject of „We and others. Identity building in Romanian history, 14th - 21th century”, Institute of History in Iaşi (April 2011).

25.              Oraşele la cronicarii moldoveni: între legendă şi tradiţie istorică [Towns seen by Moldavian chroniclers: between legend and historical tradition], paper presented in a conference organized by the „Center of research of elites and the ideology of power”, Iaşi (March 2011).

26.              Sigiliile urbane din Ţara Românească. Noi interpretări [On urban seals in Wallachia. New opinion], at the Romanian Institute of Genealogy and Heraldry, Iaşi (November 2009); an extended version at the Congress of Genealogy and Heraldry, Iaşi (May 2010).

27.              Cu privire la statutul mişeilor în oraşele medievale din Ţările Române [Regarding the status of the mişeii from medieval towns in Romania], conference dedicated to the subject of „Towns and social assistance”, University „Babeş-Bolyai” Cluj-Napoca (June 2009).

28.              Noi interpretări cu privire la terminologia urbană din Moldova [New interpretation on urban terminology in Moldavia], Muzeul Unirii Iaşi (October 2008).

29.              Cu privire la începuturile oraşelor din Moldova (cazul oraşului Roman) [Regarding the beginning of medieval towns in Moldavia (the case of Roman)], “Zilele Academiei”, Institute of History in Iaşi (September 2008).

30.              Domni şi oraşe în Ţara Românească în Evul Mediu. Raporturi de putere [Princes and towns in Wallachia during the middle ages. Relationship of power]; conference dedicated to the subject of Political ideologies and representations of power in Europe, Faculty of History, University „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, Iaşi (November 2007).

31.              O familie boierească mai puţin cunoscută din Ţara Românească [A less known boyar family in Wallachia]; conference celebrating 145 years of existence of the University „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Iaşi (October 2005).

32.              Observaţii cu privire la relaţiile lui Ştefan cel Mare cu Ţara Românească [Observations on Stephen the Great’s relationship with Wallachia]; national symposium Stephen the Great and His Time, commemorating 500 years since Stephen the Great’s reign ended; organized by the Institute of History in Iaşi (June 2004).

33.              Cu privire la patriciatul şi "săracii" din oraşul medieval din Ţara Românească (secolele XIV-XVI) [On patricians and “paupers” in medieval towns of Wallachia (14th - 16th century)]; conference on The Population of Towns, Ethnical and Social Structure organized by the Commission for the History of Towns in Romania, Braila (September 2003).

34.              Structurile preurbane şi închegarea statală între Carpaţi şi Dunăre [Preurban structures and the emergence of a state between the Carpathians and the Danube]; conference organized by the Romanian Cultural Foundation, The Center for Romanian Studies, Iaşi (September 2000).

Research grants, scholarships, research trips, workshops attended (selection)


1.                  2021-2023, research grant financed by UEFISCDI. Project title: Town Plans for the Romanian Principalities in European Archives: new insights and impact on the knowledge of urban heritage (PN-III-Ideas).

2.                  2015: I have coordinated the research team of the grant „Istoria minorităţilor – o abordare cultural artistică a diversităţii” [The History of Minorities – a cultural artistic approach of diversity], financed inside the Program PA17/RO13, Promovarea diversităţii în cultură şi artă în cadrul patrimoniului cultural, through the Financial Mechanism SEE 2009-2014.

3.                  2012-2016: research grant financed by the National Council for Scientific Research in University Education - the CNCSIS (PN II, Ideas). Project title: Old towns, new towns in the Romanian Principalities (16th – 18th Century).

4.                  2012: May, research at the University of Vienna.

5.                  2011: June-July, research at the University of Vienna; September-October: research at the University of Florida, Gainesville.

6.                  June 2010: I attended the University Summer course, Lived Space: Research and Management of Townscape and Cultural Heritage, organized by the Department of Medieval Studies, Central European University, Budapest.

7.                  2009-2011: research grant financed by the National Council for Scientific Research in University Education - the CNCSIS (PN II, Ideas). Project title: From Money Changers to Modern Banks. The impact of the Financial-banking Activities on Urban Development in Moldavia (17th – early 20th Century).

8.                  January – July 2008: Fulbright senior grant, research on the subject: Medieval towns in East-Central Europe – a comparative approach (13th century-beginning of the 16th century) at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign, USA.

9.                  2006 – 2007: research grant funded by CNCSIS, on the subject The Romanian Towns between East and West. A Historical Perspective on the Urban Phenomenon in the Context of Romania’s Integration into Europe (16th – 20th century).

10.              2006-2008: member status in the team of a grant financed by the CNCSIS, dedicated to Relationships between the Romanian Principalities and the Eastern Churches in the XIV-XIX centuries (Mount Athos, Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece), coordinated by Professor Petronel Zahariuc.

11.              February and June 2006: the Curriculum Resource Center at the Central European University has offered me a grant for preparing a course in urban medieval history.

12.              2003 – 2005: member status in the team of a grant financed by the CNCSIS, dedicated to The Romanian Town in the 16th century. Development and European influences coordinated by Professor Ioan Caproşu.

2001 – 2003: doctoral grant provided by the Open Society Institute, research on the development of medieval towns in Eastern Europe, at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign, USA.